Asia Pacific COVID-19 Emergency Response Update April 10, 2020
World Vision is responding, and its Global Health Emergency Response to the most vulnerable people is centered on 17 countries, seven of which are in Asia-Pacific, through a multi-sectoral approach. Working in collaboration with local authorities, frontline health workers, academic institutions, faith leaders and communities, and local NGOs.
As of April 10, 2020, here are some major highlights of our response:
- Over 3.8 million people including 1.7 million children reached
- 2.2 million people reached through the promotion of preventive behaviours
- $479,065 USD total amount of cash/ voucher distributed
- 83,712 food packages provided
- 25,377 People (children and family members) supported to continue the child’s education remotely
- 12,369 people (children & their families) reached through MHPSS psychosocial support
- 47,858 children supported with Child Protection programming (eg. engagement of CP/social workers in coordination & awareness-raising)