Feeding hope: A retrospective on World Vision’s Global Hunger Response Phase I
After an effective 18 months of World Vision's Global Hunger Response (GHR), this report reflects on the Response's impacts before, during, and after Phase I (May 2022-September 2023).
We celebrate World Vision's ability to affect the lives of more than 25 million girls, boys, women, and men (83% of our 30 million GHR target) most affected by the hunger crisis across many of the world’s most complex contexts, including refugee and internal displacement camps; hard-to-reach and remote areas where there is conflict, fragility, extreme weather conditions, and post-disaster scenarios; and famine-like or emergency hunger conditions. This was made possible by the generosity of our donors who provided US $2.27 billion (against a target of US $2 billion).
However, it is clear that the world is gripped by an alarming hunger crisis of unprecedented proportions and our work is just getting started. So, we stress the need to work collaboratively across the humanitarian-development-peacebuilding nexus and scale up advocacy efforts to find sustainable solutions and increase the resilience of those most affected by food insecurity.
As we close GHR's first phase, we take the next step in our process, the launch of GHR Phase II – an integrated approach in which we will join efforts across World Vision pillars (development, humanitarian, and advocacy) to reduce acute food insecurity and improve the resilience of 30 million of the most vulnerable people in countries experiencing growing hunger and the threat of famine.
You can also help children and their families overcome hunger by supporting our work here.