Uganda - September 2019 Situation Report
- Newly arriving South Sudanese and Congolese refugees: Despite the reduction in funding, Uganda is projected to receive an additional 155, 000 new arrivals, mainly from South Sudan and DRC by the end of 2019 bringing the population to over 1.4 million persons of concern. In the month of September alone, 900 people of concern were received from South Sudan and 5,044 were received from DRC.
- Empowering communities: World Vision continues to do community-based child protection in the West Nile response. Activities include building capacities of community members, establishing child protection structures, centre management committees and identifying foster parents. To enhance child protection, advocacy has also been done to streamline protection in other service sectors like health, food assistance, livelihood and wash.
- Working in Clusters: World Vision successfully trained 28 field staff (12 females and 16 males) and 60 community leaders (18 females and 42 males) on the Household Engagement and Accountability approach. The approach promotes household clusters, peer-to-peer monitoring that enhances ownership and sustainability of interventions. This working model is being adopted under the MICAH framework.
- Ebola prevention: Ebola remains a big threat especially in Kyaka II & Kyangwali settlements where refugees from DRC Congo are still being received. Awareness campaigns have been ongoing and World Vision staff in the target districts have been trained in Ebola infection prevention and control and case management. Ebola messaging has also been increased and IEC materials distributed to the communities in risk areas.