Shaping a Healthier Future for Children: Social and Behaviour Change for Nutrition in South Asia Pacific

Shaping a Healthier Future for Children - SBC for Nutrition in South Asia Pacific
Wednesday, July 31, 2024

At World Vision, we’re dedicated to shaping a healthier future for children across South Asia and the Pacific by tackling malnutrition head-on. With nearly 75 million children in the region affected by stunting and a high percentage struggling with wasting, the scale of the problem is immense. But through our innovative Social and Behaviour Change (SBC) strategies, we’re making a real difference.

SBC goes beyond simply raising awareness—it’s about understanding the unique barriers that prevent people from adopting healthier practices and finding ways to overcome them. By working closely with local communities, governments, and organisations, we tailor our interventions to address the root causes of malnutrition in a way that’s practical and effective.

Our approach is multi-sectoral, recognising that nutrition, health, food security, and social inclusion are all interconnected. Whether it’s through training farmers, promoting nutritious foods, or empowering community health workers, our goal is to create environments where healthy behaviours become the norm.

Through projects like the Eggciting initiative in Indonesia, we’ve seen first-hand how SBC can lead to lasting change. But the challenge continues, and we’re committed to scaling up our efforts. By 2026, we aim to impact the lives of 125 million children, ensuring they are better fed, nourished, and able to thrive.

This report presents World Vision's social and behaviour change (SBC) approach to tackling maternal and child malnutrition in South Asia and the Pacific. Using examples from projects in Bangladesh, Indonesia, and Timor-Leste, it explains the different ways that World Vision works to help people adopt the desired practices. 

We have had ENOUGH.
Together, we must tackle malnutrition and give every child the opportunity to grow up healthy and strong.

Read the Shaping a Healthier Future for Children Report Executive Summary here.