Integrating for Improved Nutrition in Ghana

E premte, March 4, 2016

Since 1996, World Vision has implemented a series of integrated nutrition, health and agriculture projects in Ghana, achieving significant improvements to the nutrition and health status of women and children.

Nutrition Links: Building Capacity for Sustainable Livelihoods through Public-Private Linkages in Health Systems) (2013 to 2018) 

World Vision is a partner in the multi-sectoral, five-year Nutrition Links project, helping to improve the food security, dietary quality and nutritional status of women and children under 5, while diversifying economic activities in rural areas of the Upper Manya Krobo District of Ghana. Collaborating partners include World Vision Ghana, World Vision International, World Vision Canada, McGill University and University of Ghana, with funding from Global Affairs Canada. Read More!

SUN Movement

Ghana joined the global Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) movement in 2011, and the Ghana Coalition of Civil Society Organizations for Scaling Up Nutrition (GHACCSUN) was launched in 2013. 

IMHAT Project

Although ENHANCE concluded in 2010, the Ministries of Health and Agriculture continue to integrate their planning and delivery processes in the project districts. World Vision facilitates the annual planning and quarterly review meetings, while extension agents work together in supporting households to improve nutrition outcomes through better practices in agriculture, food security and health.  The same model has been applied in five additional districts through the Integrated Malnutrition, HIV/AIDS And TB Prevention and Control (IMHAT) project. Under IMHAT, the partners have expanded to include Ghana Education Service and the Environmental Health Unit of the Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development.

Read World Vision's Impact and Evaluation Report Working together for healthy mothers in Ghana for more information.

Links to other examples: MICAH Small Animal Revolving Funds

ENHANCE (2006 to 2010)

World Vision Ghana staff met with the Ministries of Agriculture and Health at the district and sub-district levels to design an integrated intervention package for ENHANCE and plan its delivery in seven districts across five regions. Under this more comprehensive approach, quarterly follow up meetings were held to review progress, identify gaps, and develop future action plans.  Extension agents from both the Health and Agriculture ministries were trained in Behaviour Change Communication, and jointly implemented community education sessions and household visits.

MICronutrient And Health Program (MICAH) (1997 to 2005)

World Vision Ghana began integrating nutrition, health and agriculture interventions with the MICronutrient And Health (MICAH) programme, implemented in one district from 1997 to 2005. World Vision Ghana partnered with the Ministry of Food and Agriculture to promote home gardening and small animal raising, and with Ghana Health Service to deliver nutrition, hygiene and disease prevention activities.The two sets of interventions were delivered to the same beneficiaries, but planning, implementation and monitoring were largely handled separately by the respective Ministries. World Vision Ghana and the participating Ministries recognized that an even greater synergy could be achieved through integrated planning and delivery of interventions. This approach was developed in the ENHANCE programme which ran from 2006 to 2010.