Saidou Nourou Gaye, World Vision new Ambassador for the Campaign It takes a world to end violence against children in Mauritania

Cérémonie de Nomination de Saidou Nourou Gaye comme Ambassadeur itinérant a World Vision pour la Campagne de lutte contre le mariage des enfants en Mauritanie
E enjte, July 20, 2017

A nomination ceremony was held during a musical event organized by the group ‘Fooyre Bamtaaré Légnol’ the night of the end of the fast or Ramadan celebration day, last June 25th, at La Case.

The leader of this group, the nationally renowned artist and singer Saidou Nourou Gaye was nominated as World Vision Mauritania goodwill ambassador for the next five coming years.




The Ceremony was held within the global launch of the campaign to End Violence against Children, a partnership protocol was signed between the group Fooyre Bamtaare and World Vision Mauritania in order to spread awareness regarding the theme “Together, let’s eliminate child marriage in Mauritania”.

This campaign main goal is to educate and drastically reduce the negative effects of early child marriage on their well-being in terms of health, education and opportunities within the communities where this negative practice still exists.

The presentation ceremony of the honor certificate led by Sarr Mamadou, Manager of Quality Department at World Vision was preceded by a statement made by Haby Seck, the child Protection coordinator and Aminata Wone, monitoring and evaluation responsible, on the issue of Child marriage in Mauritania, their side effects on children, especially.


Cérémonie de Nomination de Saidou Nourou Gaye comme Ambassadeur itinérant a World Vision pour la Campagne de lutte contre le mariage des enfants en Mauritanie


The new ambassador and artist, very moved by his nomination, addressed his appreciations to the organization.

“I am very happy for this nomination. I have always fought against social injustice and violence against children in general. I find it to be a noble cause to fight child marriage and I hereby express my engagement from now on, to fight this issue during my musical events and to accompany World Vision in this struggle. However, this battle is not only mine but it concerns every Mauritanian and especially those who support me and my group”, stated the artist under tons of applauses.

The group’s manager, Mame Boubou Gaye congratulated the artist and renewed his engagement with World Vision Team to fight against child marriage:

“As Fooyre Bamtaaré Legnol’s managers, I can assure you that we are very happy with this nomination of our artist. We are proud that He was named ambassador and to work with a well reputed organization like World Vision which has been contributed to the well-being of children in Mauritania for more than 30 years”, said the manager of the group.



And he concluded in these words:

“Sometimes, we notice this kind of cases during the wedding ceremonies that we animate, and we reaffirm our engagement to bring more awareness on this issue in the future. We intend to respect our partnership with World Vision and convey the messages in a pertinent way and Saidou Nourou Gaye is ready to assume this responsibility and be with you in this fight”.

A concert was scheduled last Wednesday July 19th, in Arafat Msid Nour with the new World Vision Mauritania goodwill ambassador, Saidou Nourou Gaye in order to celebrate together the Mauritanian children and to fight against child marriage in Mauritania.