Nutrition Guidelines
Nutrition Guidelines
World Vision contributes to the development of international guidance documents on nutrition through a variety of forums and working groups. These include the Global Nutrition Cluster, WHO document review and feedback opportunities, and the SPHERE Standards review.
Internal guidance documents for World Vision staff are also developed, interpreting international recommendations to provide programming guidance. These internal documents cover a range of nutrition topics.
Infant Feeding
WHO Recommendations for Infant Feeding in HIV Contexts are summarised with specific programming guidance for World Vision staff. Breastfeeding in Emergencies provides guidelines for setting up Baby-Friendly Tents to support optimal infant feeding during a humanitarian crisis.
Iron Supplementation
Iron supplementation is an important strategy for anaemia control. Programming guidelines are provided for antenatal iron-folic acid supplements, weekly iron-folate supplements for women of reproductive age and iron supplementation in Malaria-endemic areas.
How-To Guides
Practical skills for assessing anaemia in adolescents by using the HemoCue or pulse oximeter are provided in Guidance for Measuring Anaemia in Adolescents. Learn how to use rapid test kits to assess iodine levels in household salt in Measuring Salt Iodisation.