Sudan COVID-19 Situation Update as at 20 April 2020

World Vision Sudan response to the threat of COVID-19
E mërkurë, April 22, 2020

Cases of confirmed COVID-19 cases in Sudan continue to increase significantly by the day. From 32 cases as at April 16th to 140 cases six days later. One of the major concerns among the humanitarian community is that the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic will compound an already fragile situation characterised by a dire economic crisis, a protracted humanitarian situation.

Additionally, measures taken to contain the spread of coronavirus has affected humanitarian operations and World Vision is greatly concerned about the impact on the most vulnerable populations. Our response efforts are geared towards:

  • Promoting preventive measures to minimise staff, frontline workers and communities’ risk of exposure to the coronavirus as well limit its spread,
  • Supporting health systems and frontline workers,
  • and cushioning the most vulnerable children and families from the devastating impact of COVID-19.   

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