Bundibugyo gets clean water, 4 health centers plus a teacher's housing unit

E hënë, January 6, 2014

Children enjoy Health and education facilities in Bundibugyo and Ntoroko districts


For Ntandi Health Centre III in Bundigugyo district, one building previously served as an outpatient, antenatal as well as emergency ward.

In fact, according to the health Centre’s senior Clinical officer Sunday Thomas, they had not been able to properly handle emergency cases or even admit patients due to the limited space at the health centre. But thanks to World Vision interventions, Ndandi can now carryout all functions a health centre III is supposed to.

On the 5th, December, 2013 World Vision Commissioned 15 health, education and water and sanitation infrastructure in Bu and Ntoroko districts worth Shs3,686,912, 684. The investments are estimated to benefit 74,005 people including children in World Vision’s Kasitu and Rwebisengo Area Development Programmes.

“With the facilities we have got we can admit up to 10 patients and handle emergency cases as well. This means that patients will now receive improved quality of care,” Dr Thomas said.

Not so far away at Kabango Primary School, four units of teacher’s quarters were built to allow teachers spend more time at school and eventually spend more time with pupils. Previously, teachers arrived at school at about 9 am and left by 5pm. This meant that pupils had limited time to spend with the teachers and also to learn.

“As a result pupils did not only learn less but they also became undisciplined since they were away from their teachers most of the time and no one guided them,” Says James Bwirabwamaisho, the  school’s headmaster.

“But now we hope to perform better in the Primary Leaving examinations since teachers are able to provide services anytime to the pupils,” he adds.

The teacher’s quarters are a two roomed each, tiled with a kitchen and verandah, modest enough for a teacher.

The Assistant Commissioner for Environment Health at the Ministry of Health Julian Kyomuhangi said that the staff quarters give an opportunity for teachers to be motivated and feel cared for.

“Learning starts from a tender age and teachers can teach best when they are comfortable. The staff quarters will enable them come early to school, teach more and leave late,” Ms Kyomuhangi said.

Other programmes launched in Kasitu and Rwebisengo Area Development Programmes include; Gravity Flow scheme with 19 taps, Kyondo health centre and pit latrine, Kabango Primary School - four unit of staff quarters, Burambagira girls hostel, 11 Orphans and Vulnerable Children shelters, Ntandi general ward, Munguni four classroom block and staff quarter, Six bore holes , Budiba Primary School- two classroom blocks, teacher’s quarters, two stance pit latrines, Kasungu Primary school – classroom block, two stance latrines, Makondo Primary School- teacher’s quarter and latrine, Rwebisengo Secondary School- Laboratory, Bwelamule health centre II.

These programmes are intended to improve on the lives of children in these areas as well as the communities in which they live. World Vision Programme Coordinator for Kasitu and Rwebisengo Area Development Programmes Ronald Matanda urged the people to sustainably use the facilities to benefit future generations even beyond World Vision’s stay in the communities.

World Vision Bundibugyo progrmme started its operations in 1997 with the child survival project in Rwebisengo and Karugutu sub-counties which are currently under Ntoroko District. World Vision now covers three sub-counties in Ntoroko districts and three in Bundibugyo. The core areas of intervention in these communities include education, health and water and sanitation.