Profession that turned into a Lifestyle․ Anzhela’s story

“Community Social Worker’s profession turned into a lifestyle for me”, - smiles Anzhela, - “Every person should love and respect her/his job”.
When Armenia’s Government declared a state of emergency due to the COVID-19 breakout in the country, Anzhela Тer-Grigoryan was one of the first activists in Syuniq's Tegh community, who quickly mobilized all available resources and started supporting most vulnerable families, whose economic situation was affected by the pandemic.
The residents of this consolidated community are well aware of the important role of their Community Social Worker in addressing and resolving their problems: Anzhela is always there for them, supporting, advising, planning and coordinating the provision of the necessary material support.
During the lockdown, Anzhela, taking into account all safety standards and precautions, walks around all settlements of the community and makes calls to identify the issues the families are facing. “People in need become more vulnerable as a result of the state of emergency, they need support and advice more than anyone else”, - says Anzhela, - “No one should expect that the residents will come and ask for help. During these days, it is necessary to get in touch with them immediately”. Clearly realizing that almost all families of the community are facing social issues, Anzhela establishes an “Emergency Support Corner” at the community’s House of Culture. By her initiative, she identifies resources and provides the residents with clothes, food, medicine and hygienic items.
“The residents have lots of concerns, the community should respond to the calls of all citizens as much as possible” – mentions Anzhela.
Anzhela also encourages all eligible families to apply for the social support programs developed by the State, aimed at fighting the COVID-19 consequences, and navigates the residents through the application process.
“The online platforms are not available for many residents, there is a need to help them with the online application to ensure they receive state support” – Anzhela states.
Prior to the state of emergency period, Anzhela was actively involved in working with the community youth, women and children. She founded the “Joint Youth Counsel”, which united the community’s youth volunteers. “Our youth are aware of the community’s problems, and we are trying to ease them through our active engagement” – says Anzhela.
Anzhela is also actively involved in working with vulnerable groups of women. Due to her efforts, the community now has a Women Council, which supports women in becoming more informed of their rights and overcome the problems they are facing.
Anzhela Ter-Grigoryan is one of the first 19 graduates of the Yerevan State University’s 11-month online certification course on “Community Social Work” established by the the “Community Level Access to Social Services” (CLASS) program funded by USAID and implemented by World Vision. Within the CLASS program, Anzhela joined her peers, over 85 social workers, in several social work related capacity building sessions and continues to receive constant support through supportive supervision from senior social workers. Through the CLASS program, USAID and World Vision support Armenia to strengthen the social protection system through effective community-based social work and improve the lives of most vulnerable children and their families.
About the community
Tegh consolidated community was formed in September 2016. It includes seven settlements with a population of 5504 in total, 1004 of which are pensioners. The center of the community is Tegh settlement.
Note: The photos used in the story have been taken before the COVID-19 outbreak.
This story is made possible by the generous support of the American People through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents of this story are the sole responsibility of World Vision Armenia and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.
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