World Vision's work-based learning initiatives in Armenia

During the past three years significant efforts have been put together to improve work-based learning in Armenia!
We are proudly sharing our accomplishments achieved together with Global Developments Fund and with funding from European Union in Armenia
- Short-term curricula developed for four professions։ ‘Cheese making’, ‘Wine making’, ‘Agro-machinery maintenance’ and ‘Veterinary’. The professional colleges can now use these curricula across Armenia.
- Four full laboratories established in beneficiary colleges on the same four professions
- 112 students involved in the learning initiatives
- Representatives of nine businesses supported the curricula development and delivered respective training
- Career Counselling services established in the beneficiary colleges with equipped facilities and trained specialists
- We have been part of developing a Work-Based Learning Concept Note recently adopted by the Government of Armenia
- We have developed a package of recommendations was for recognition of in-formal and non-formal learning outcomes for Government’s review and adoption
Meet our students whose education has been organized within World Vision’s work-based learning initiatives.
