Yaru: Empowering change as a youth leader and advocate against child violence

“Some households in my community have a lack of understanding of child abuse and believe that teaching their children using violence is normal, similar to how our society makes us believe that it’s fine when it’s not, and they usually overlook this particular aspect. That is why young people like me must continue to advocate for children who don’t have a voice and can’t speak up for themselves,” stated 16-year-old Yaru, a community young advocate and youth leader in her community.
Yaru’s dedication extends beyond her community, as she was invited to speak at the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights in New York in May 2023. Working diligently hands-on with World Vision International in Cambodia, Yaru is serving as a Youth Club leader, focusing on ending violence against children, and works tirelessly to foster and encourage youth participation within her community.
“I have always been selfish about my knowledge, but since joining community work, I have learned that sharing knowledge and helping people is the best course of action, and it makes me even happier,” she said.
Yaru collaborates with community partners and authorities to promote positive parenting and raise community awareness about the impact of violence on children’s physical and emotional well-being.
She insisted that violence against children is not only a personal issue impacting the children’s well-being but also a communal and global issue that must be addressed. “Another issue I see in my community is the impact of COVID-19. Young people in my neighbourhood had to stay home during lockdowns and use their phones as friends, but they continued this behaviour when we returned to school. As for that, I’ll be working with my team to develop a study on this topic that focuses on the consequences of excessive use of social media,” said Yaru.
Inspired by the quote, “Don’t be someone who never loses; be someone who never gives up,” she explained it helps her grow comfortable sharing her knowledge and activities and showcasing her abilities. Yaru attributes her growth to World Vision International in Cambodia, expressing gratitude for the exposure and opportunities provided.
Story By: Casaneth Ros and Sar Pisey