Investing in young girls’ dreams

World Vision-1000 girls- achieving their dreams
World Vision-1000 girls- achieving their dreams
Tuesday, August 23, 2022

By Lara Gonzales.

Five-year-old Patricia, aspires to be a doctor.
Five-year-old Patricia, aspires to be a doctor.


Five-year-old Patricia wants to be a doctor someday. At her young age, she has already shown the diligence and discipline she needs to achieve her dream. Patricia graduated preschool with awards recognizing her exceptional skills in mathematics, public speaking, reading, tidiness, and even singing.

Patricia and her mother at home as she works on her homework.
Patricia and her mother at home as she works on her homework.


“She is a bright child,” Patricia’s mother, Jennifer, says with pride and affection. “She’s a fast learner. She’s sweet and polite. Her eldest sister, Teresa, recently finished her Accountancy degree. I think Patricia takes inspiration from her.”

Jennifer adds that helping Patricia do her homework is a family affair. Aside from her older sister, Patricia has three older brothers, one of whom is also a World Vision sponsored child. “She and her siblings do their assignments together. When Patricia doesn’t understand something, she can always go to them for help.”

“My favorite subjects are English and Math,” Patricia shares. Her father, Romeo, takes her to school by motorcycle. Travelling from their village’s narrow and winding roads to the town center where the public elementary school is located usually takes Patricia and her father thirty minutes without traffic. The family lives in Camarines Norte, Philippines, a province with an estimated 30.5 % poverty incidence.

Patricia looks forward to the journey every time. “School is where I can sing and play with friends,” she explains.

World Vision provided hygiene kits and cash assistance to us during the pandemic,” Jennifer recounts. “Because Patricia and her brother are sponsored children, they also get school kits every year. The gifts may sound simple, but it means a lot to us, especially the children. They’re always happy when they get new school supplies.”

“I received pad papers, notebooks, pencils, crayons, scissors, and more,” Patricia says, enumerating the content of her school kit. “I had fun using the kit for school.”

Riean, six-year-old, sponsored child also aspires to be a doctor
Riean, six-year-old, sponsored child also aspires to be a doctor


Like Patricia, sponsored child Riean, six, wants to be a doctor when she grows up. But on top of pursuing a career in medicine, she also wants to be a cheerleader.

“There was a mini dance competition during one of World Vision’s activities. I won the competition,” Riean says with a smile.

Ennon, Riean's mother.
Ennon, Riean's mother.


“The dance competition was actually an introduction for a child protection awareness activity,” Riean’s mother, Ennon, explains. “Because of World Vision, both parents and children learned more about the do’s and don'ts in protecting our children, the laws involved in it.”

“The workshop made us more aware and mindful. Now, we remind our children not to allow strangers to touch them, to hold certain parts of their bodies. It’s good training for both children and parents,” adds Jennifer, who also attended the activity with Patricia.

Not just material things

“World Vision’s help extends beyond material things. The school kits and hygiene kits help us because we don’t need to spend on those needs anymore. But more than that, I appreciate how World Vision also teaches parents and children about child protection, about savings and livelihood,” says Ennon.

She shares that she uses her earning’s from World Vision’s CoMSCA to buy ingredients and equipment to bake cakes, pastries, and rice cakes. CoMSCA is a financial literacy program introduced by World Vision in its supported communities in the Philippines. The program helps children and their families to strategically save and grow their finances.

“CoMSCA taught me how to invest and save money for our future needs,” Ennon adds. “I want a future where Riean grows up healthy, has fear of the Lord, and has achieved all her dreams.”

“I want to be a cheerleader because I love to dance but I also want to be a doctor,” Riean says, smiling. “I want to heal people.”

Here's how to Sponsor a child today.