World Vision's team in Niger holds day of prayer to kick off 2022 fiscal year

On October 1st every year, World Vision organises a day of prayer in all its offices around the world. That day, which marks the end of the previous year and the beginning of a new fiscal year, has been dedicated to give thanks to God for the smooth running of the previous year's activities.
To celebrate this year's Day of Prayer, World Vision's Niger office held a meeting for its staff, held largely by videoconference given restrictions imposed by COVID-19. Each team met in small groups in rooms.
The day began with the opening prayer, the presentation of new staff as well as various topics for thanksgiving. Among the thanksgiving items, team leader Torodi Ichaya IDI noted that, "despite the difficulties and the security situation of our area, the staff is doing well thanks to the Lord. I thank the donors who have trusted us for the realisation of activities for the benefit of vulnerable persons. Thus by the grace of the Lord, all the activities have been carried out with success."
In addition, the Director of Resource Acquisition Mr. Clovis TOUGMA expressed his gratitude to God for the mobilisation threshold, which exceeded 172% this year. The National Director, Mr. Yves HABUMUGISHA, gave thanks to the Lord for protecting the staff against COVID-19. In addition to that, he pointed out that in the previous year, administrative costs were under control, and then he also thanked all the departments for their contributions and commitment.
This year's theme, "Hope and Joy in God", was first developed by Pastor Dr. Ali Hamani who presented on prayer and meditation on the Word of God, which are necessary in order to live in hope and joy.
This was followed by a speech by World Vision's President and CEO, Mr. Andrew MORLEY, who wished all the staff of the World Vision Partnership a good day of prayer from the church of Holy Trinity Brampton in London, where he serves as a pastor.
Aware of the difficulties, he encouraged all staff in their struggle and sacrifice to serve vulnerable communities because through their efforts they have maintained the hope of more than 30 million children as part of the organisation's global COVID-19 response.
World Vision's Regional Director for West Africa, Carla Dominique DENIZARD, in turn congratulated all the national and regional staff and gave glory to God for the opening of a new office in Burkina Faso, for all the offices that have made progress –especially Niger which has exceeded the threshold of resource mobilisation.
The National Director Mr. Yves HABUMUGISHA gave thanks for World Vision's Niger office, which closed the financial year with a positive note in terms of audit on all levels. He reiterates that World Vision's Niger office will continue to intensify its activities to better serve vulnerable children and families in the community, improve the daily lives of children, and support the government in the achievement of sustainable development goals.
Finally, Father Matthieu, the keynote speaker, spoke to the staff on the theme of the day. In his message, he invited World Vision to continue to transmit hope and joy to the world, noting that this can only be done with God's help. It is in this context that he quoted St. Augustine in saying, "our soul would never be at peace without going through God."
The day ended with the presentation of recognition certificates to staff having served five years and more at the organisation.