A life changing intervention program for reducing malnutrition in Zimbabwe

PRONE for Mudzi
Friday, May 10, 2024

By Leana Padera (Communications Graduate Intern)

Esnath Bonga (22), an expectant mother, is deeply grateful for the impact of the Protection and Nutrition Emergency Response (PRONE) program that is being implemented by World Vision and MSASA and supported by USAID in Mudzi. This program has been instrumental in providing assistance to pregnant mothers and children under the age of 5 who are identified with acute malnutrition, including Bonga herself.

She expresses her appreciation, stating, " I am appreciative that PRONE in Mudzi has been helping pregnant mothers and children under the age of 5 identified with acute malnutrition like myself. As a young mother who is expecting, it is crucial for me to eat healthily."

Recognizing the importance of maintaining a healthy diet during pregnancy, Bonga acknowledges the vital role played by this program in supporting her and others like her. She has actively participated in health sessions where mothers gather to discuss child-rearing issues and strategies for managing acute malnutrition.

The 22 year old shares her experience, saying,

"I have been attending health sessions where mothers gather to discuss issues related to raising children and managing acute malnutrition."

Additionally, the program has facilitated close contact with community health workers who conduct malnutrition screenings and refer individuals to clinics for further medical attention when necessary. Bonga highlights the significance of this support, mentioning;

"Through this program, I have also been in close contact with community health workers who have been screening us for malnutrition and referring us to clinics if there is a serious case that needs medical attention."

PRONE for Mudzi
A pregnant woman poses for a photo after receiving her food hamper

One of the remarkable aspects of the program has been its encouragement for the mobilization of community resources to combat malnutrition. Bonga explains that food items are collected and prepared in a central location, ensuring equal distribution to those in need. She joyfully shares her recent experience, stating;

"We have been encouraged by this program to mobilize resources in an effort to deter malnutrition. Food items are assembled, cooked in a central location, and shared equally for people to eat. We were able to obtain staple foods today thanks to the food vouchers we were given. To my great delight, I received mealie meal, cooking oil, dried fish, beans, and peanut butter."

Expressing her heartfelt appreciation, Bonga extended her thanks to USAID, World Vision Zimbabwe, and the MSASA project for making this life-changing program a reality. She emphasized the profound impact it has had on her community, saying, "Thank you USAID, World Vision Zimbabwe, and the MSASA project for making this possible. This program is life-changing, and on behalf of my community, we couldn't be happier."