Lebanon Urban Pilot Project

Friday, October 26, 2012

"I need to live in a city where all neighbourhoods and streets are safe and secure, well-lit,
and people watch over security." – Rebecca, Beirut

The Lebanon Urban Pilot Project engages children in promoting long-term sustainability of peacebuilding and reconciliation efforts in this multi-sectarian and conflict-prone community southeast of Beirut. The initiative encouraged and empowered children and young people to participate in youth-led actions to create a healthy and resilient community for peace.

World Vision partnered with the local municipality to set up a youth group and ensure adequate space for them to meet, socialise and plan activities. Children and youth attended training and capacity-building events to build up their life skills for personal development, including leadership, communication and conflict resolution skills. Youth group members also organised child-focused events such as interfaith celebrations, peace marathons and peace summer camps.

In 2013, World Vision Lebanon facilitated a child- and youth-led city-wide design process that mobilised 80 children and 70 youth to address the emerging issues affecting their well-being. Positive development and safety emerged as two priority focus areas.