
A world where all children are nourished


We’ve helped severely malnourished children make a full recovery in more than 30 countries and used local food-based approaches to rehabilitate underweight children in over 40. We have equipped parents to detect undernutrition in their children to prevent malnutrition-related child deaths. We have supported the establishment of Women, Adolescent and Young Child-friendly Spaces to support women to breastfeed in emergency contexts. We have seen vulnerable children’s lives transformed through our work in nutrition.

However, there is more to be done. We see children dying from preventable issues because of violence, displacement, and poverty. We want hope to be restored.

We want to promote adequate nutrition for children, women and adolescent girls. We want to strengthen health systems and communities to serve vulnerable people through the distribution of ready-to-use therapeutic food and community education on proper nutrition and appropriate complementary feeding.

Over the last 10 years, 88% of the severely malnourished children we treated made a full recovery.

Our Approaches

Community Managed Acute Malnutrition Management

Addressing Wasting

Since 2005, World Vision’s programmes have focused on the prevention and treatment of wasting, both in fragile and stable contexts in 32 countries. World Vision was an early adopter of the Community-based Management of Acute Malnutrition (CMAM) model, which empowers communities to both identify and treat malnourished children.

Child receives nutritious food as part of World Vision nutrition programmes

Food-Based Approaches

Positive Deviance/Hearth (PDH) is a community- and food-based approach using locally available, low-cost, nutrient-dense ingredients to reduce the prevalence of malnutrition among children under five years, build local capacity to treat malnourished children and sustain their rehabilitation, and prevent future malnutrition among all children in the community.

Newborn baby held by mother

Infant and Young Child Feeding

Protecting and promoting safe and appropriate infant and young child feeding practices is essential for both the prevention and treatment of malnutrition. We focus on promoting and supporting exclusive breastfeeding and optimal complementary feeding.

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