Improving Gender Attitudes, Transition and Education outcomes (IGATE)
The Improving Gender Attitudes, Transition and Education outcomes (IGATE) Project is a Girls’ Education Challenge project funded by UK Aid and led by World Vision's Zimbabwe Office. IGATE aims to improve learning outcomes and positive transitions for marginalised adolescent girls in rural communities of Zimbabwe by helping them to improve their literacy, numeracy, life skills and self-esteem.
Through the IGATE project, World Vision is supporting over 73,000 girls and boys in 318 schools across nine districts in Zimbabwe, to develop foundational literacy and numeracy skills that will enable them to transition to the next level of life. To ensure sustainability, IGATE is working hand in hand with the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education as well as community stakeholders to fight harmful social norms that hinder learning, particularly for the girl child, and promote a positive attitude to education.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, the project is supporting over 70,000 children in nine rural districts, from communities experiencing deep levels of marginalisation and negative traditional and religious norms that affect access to education and positive transition pathways for girls.