Livelihood Improvement and Family Empowerment (LIFE) Programme
Livelihood Improvement and Family Empowerment (LIFE) Programme
Most vulnerable children and their families would build and maintain positive and peaceful relationships. By improving life skills, good governance for child protection, improved connection with God and neighbours, and improved livelihood and resilience for sustained child well-being.
Our Core Models/Approaches
- Celebrating Families Curriculum (CFC)
- Channel of Hope (CoH)
- Child Protection & Advocacy (CPA)
- Citizen Voice & Action (CVA)
- Building Secure Livelihoods (BSL)
- Savings for Transformation (S4T)
- Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration (FMNR)
Our Key Achievements
- 77,898 hectares of degraded lands restored in 445 communities in Upper East and Northern regions of Ghana with an average tree density of 2,334 per ha; 1000 ha
- About 5,572 self-managed Savings for Transformation groups have been formed, helping over 138,259 members to access credit facilities.
- Established over 95 major processing centres engaged in shea butter processing, soap making and gari processing; benefiting 15,582 people with women constituting 90%.
- 166 FBOs empowered and registered as co-operative societies and are in different income-generating activities
- 800 women linked to financial, market and agricultural information services for increased income in economic activities.
- Over 12 million Ghanaian have been reached through the “End Child Marriage Now! It takes Us All” campaign
Opportunities for Collaborations and Partnerships
WVG calls for support to undertake projects that address:
- Land Restoration, Regreening, Climate Smart Agriculture, Climate Change Adaptation, Sustainable Agriculture, Nature Based Solutions,
- Financial Inclusion, Poverty reduction, Business Development Services, Employment Creation and Enterprise Development, Group Dynamics and Development for adolescents, youth and women.
- Food Systems / Food Security Transformation
- Livelihood Diversification, Access to Markets and Trade
- Advocacy in climate change, food systems, financial inclusion, child protection, social protection, trade and markets centres