South Sudan - December 2019 Situation Report

South Sudan - December 2019 Situation Report
الجمعة, يناير 24, 2020
  • Food security outlook: Humanitarian food assistance continues to prevent more extreme outcomes in parts of Greater Upper Nile, Greater Bahr el Ghazal, and Western Equatoria through lifesaving intervention using muti sectorial approaches. Assistance continues to remain below the estimated need. World Vision has been working closely with WFP, FAO, FSL Clusters, Nutrition, Health Cluster and other implementing partners in Food security and Livelihood to address the root causes of Malnutrition through coordinated modalities of General Food Distribution, Food for Education, BSFP, Cash and Voucher programme in order to address the need of over 7.1 million people.
  • Crisis (IPC Phase 3) or worse outcomes remain widespread during the harvesting period, despite a relative improvement in food security situation compared to the peak of the 2019 lean season. The loss of livelihood assets during the protracted conflict and current poor macro-economic conditions continue to be the primary drivers of high food insecurity, marked by deficits in cereal production, below normal access to livestock products, and high food prices. In areas worst affected by flooding, additional crop and livestock losses are driving an increase in the population in need and the severity of food insecurity, particularly in parts of Northern Bahr el Ghazal, Jonglei, Upper Nile, and Eastern Equatoria states.
  • As the 2020 lean season progresses, without humanitarian food assistance, it is possible that some host, IDP, or refugee households would experience Catastrophe (IPC Phase 5) particularly among households who lost their harvest or did not harvest, do not own livestock, and have few other viable income sources or increase in conflict that prevents populations from moving in search of food sources or restricts humanitarian access for a prolonged period of time. In order to sustain long-term food security improvements and end the risk of Famine (IPC Phase 5), full implementation of the September 2018 peace deal, an end to the conflict by all parties, and a scale up of assistance is needed.