Xiaobing: Embracing a new chapter and new skills in China

Xiaobing can walk unaided now with her skills training.
الخميس, سبتمبر 2, 2021

Xiaobing, 12, from China is visually impaired. Her family brought her to a local social service centre, supported by World Vision, to improve her mobility.

When she first came to the centre, Xiaobing lacked confidence. She didn't know how to take care of herself and could only eat with her hands.

Xiaobing can cook a meal by herself thanks to her training.

But with training, Xiaobing began to learn orientation and mobility skills, as well as life skills, to help her build a better future.

Now she can cook by herself and eat with chopsticks. She also loves to write poems.

Xiaobing loves to write poems.

Xiaobing has grown in confidence, and is embracing a new chapter of her life.

All children have the right to a safe, inclusive and quality education. We want all children to be educated for life, in a safe and nurturing environment, in order to lead productive and fulfilling lives.

Find out more about Xiaobing's story here.

Find out more about our vision for children's education here.