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Amanda Rives Argenal

Amanda Rives Argeñal

Sr Director of External Engagement and Resource Development

"My mission is to create real change for children through partnerships, increased resources, and joint advocacy."

Amanda oversees World Vision’s global humanitarian advocacy working closely with UN partners and other humanitarian stakeholders and consortia including WFP, UNHCR, OCHA and ICVA. Prior to joining the global Disaster Management team, Amanda served as Regional Advocacy and Policy Director for the Middle East and Eastern Europe Region based in Jordan.  Her portfolio included advocacy on fragile and humanitarian contexts, the humanitarian-development-peacebuilding nexus, children on the move, and children in armed conflict.  One of World Vision’s leading subject-matter experts on child protection, she continues to advance a global agenda of community-based child protection systems including engagement with faith leaders on child protection in humanitarian contexts.  

Amanda joined World Vision in 2009 as Regional Advocacy Director, LAC region where she oversaw child protection programming and advocacy in 14 countries, supporting and deploying to humanitarian emergencies including Haiti, the Northern Triangle, and the Venezuela crisis. A former US Peace Corps volunteer, Amanda holds a BA in international affairs from George Washington University and an MA in international development from American University.  

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