World Vision provides food assistance to over 800,000 IDPs, returnees, and conflict-affected people across Ethiopia

WFD Crisis Response - Ethiopia
Četvrtak, Oktobar 14, 2021

World Vision has a longstanding history, reputation, and experience in responding to massive humanitarian crises. In Ethiopia, food assistance forms an integral part of World Vision’s portfolio aiming at improving access to sufficient food for crisis-affected populations; particularly children and mothers.

Recurrent droughts, inter-communal conflicts, desert locust invasion, and COVID-19 have exacerbated food insecurity among the most vulnerable households, resulting in a dramatic rise in the number of people in need of food assistance. In response, World Vision has provided food assistance support to more than 520,000 internally displaced persons (IDPs), returnees and relief beneficiaries in 24 targeted districts of Oromia, SNNPR and Sidama regional states from November 2020 to September 2021.

World Vision also supported just under 360,000 people affected by conflict in the Tigray region through the provision of over  56,250 metric tonnes of food commodities. 

Esayas - Ethiopia
“[I have] no more hunger now because we are eating three times a day following the food I am receiving from this programme”, says a grateful Esayas (45), a father of three. “I am able to resist the shock through the programme which helped me to feed my children without any anxiety.”


We will continue our food assistance initiatives to address the dire food needs of people living in Tigray, SNNPR, Sidama and Oromia regions; through funding from the World Food Programme and the United States Agency for International Development's Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (USAID-BHA) to benefit a targeted 1.2 million people.