Faith & Development programme supporting partners to maximise impact

Faith & Development Programme - Ethiopia
Utorak, Oktobar 12, 2021

The Faith and Development Programme of World Vision has organised and supported the formation of networks of partners, Christian Alliance for Generation (CAG) and Voice Alliance for Ethiopia (VAE), with a view to creating synergy, enhancing their capacity, and magnifying the voices of children for nationwide child well-being.

As a result of the formed network, CAG and VAE were licensed as Ministry and Charity, with 24 founding members. 

To recognise World Vision’s initiative and to appreciate its contribution on the formation process, the alliances hosted an event on 21 September 2021, where World Vision's Ethiopia leadership team, staff and other invitees attended.  

At the closing of the event, Mr. Edward Brown, the National Director for World Vision in Ethiopia, remarked that even though our country is passing through a dark time, there is hope for the dawn of a bright future.

He also appreciated the efforts to bring together child-focused forces to rescue vulnerable children by focusing on unity and avoiding divisions and fragmentations.