World Vision commissions a borehole for Mirigu basic school

Dienstag, 31. August 2021 - 08:50

World Vision has commissioned a borehole for the children of Mirigu Cluster of Schools in Mirigu Community on Tuesday, 31st August 2021. The borehole was commissioned by the World Vision's Ghana Board Chair, Mrs. Efua Ghartey and Roger Atasige III, Chief Representative of Mirigu Community.

The World Vision Board Chair made it known that the water facility worth about GH¢ 27,000 (US$4,400) was financed by the Board members. “Each board member contributed towards the construction of this borehole. It is our prayer that you do your part to ensure that this facility is maintained. That would give us a lot of confidence to do more”, she said.

Mrs. Ghartey ended her remarks with reference to John 4:14, but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life”, assuring that this borehole will be a point of contact for all the people of Mirigu and beyond.

 “And above all, may you remember that Christ is the centre of everything that we do. May you never thirst”, she added, thanking the community leaders for their collaborative efforts in making World Vision’s projects in the community possible.

The facility was constructed in 2019 in response to the acute water challenges that confronted the school, leading to disruption in academic activities. It also supported the school to establish a vegetable garden and trained a maintenance committee to manage the borehole to ensure durability and maximum impact. 

The borehole is already benefitting about 710 pupils and staff of Mirigu Primary and Junior High schools.

Asanga, a student of Mirigu Junior High School revealed that World Vision has not only provided water but donated furniture to be used in their classrooms, and bicycles to help those from neighbouring communities to attend school early. He mentioned that the borehole will contribute to the practice of regular hand-washing and help them to expand their school garden.