Coping with Climate Change Together

Montag, 9. Juni 2014 - 03:49

Written by Ha Minh Linh Trang – HEA Officer

World Vision Vietnam and the local authorities governing the city of Hai Phong took an important step in their cooperative efforts on disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation in May.

Representatives from World Vision and the People’s Committees for Hai Phong and the three districts of Ngo Quyen, Cat Hai and Tien Lang, all signed the memoranda of understanding on 30 May 2014 for the implementation of a project entitled Hai Phong City Resilient to Climate Change and Disaster Risks.  

The project, planned to last three and a half years, funded by World Vision Australia/ANCP, aims to increase the resilience of local people in vulnerable areas to potential natural disasters and the impacts of climate change. An important aspect of the project is to mobilize participation of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) on this issue. Activities such as training courses, conferences and game shows on related topics will be organised for SMEs.

The project will support at-risk communities to assess the hazard levels they face and their capacities to cope with environmental issues, as well as providing them with alternative or modified livelihood models, so that they are prepared for and can respond to long-term changes in weather patterns.

As one of the project’s top priorities, children will be taught about climate change to raise their awareness of the issue and how to adjust to it. They
will be also provided with lifebouys and torches, which will allow them to travel to and from school and at night more safely.

Speaking at the signing ceremony, Mr Daniel Selvanayagam, World Vision Vietnam’s National Director, said, “We [the signatories] will work together as a team because the region’s poor need our help to be resilient to environmental impacts.”

Mr Do Trung Thoai – Vice Chairman of the Hai Phong City People’s Committee – expressed his thanks for and commitment to the planned project on behalf of all its governmental partners. He also highlighted that the project will meet donor requirements for timely disbursement of funds and the quality of activities to be implemented.

“We want the project to be an example for others to follow,” he said. “I hope that when the project finishes, we’ll meet again to celebrate its success and that we’ll also be able to cooperate with World Vision on future projects.”

The proposed project will directly benefit around 65,000 people in the three aforementioned districts.