World Vision volunteer saves a life from TB

Moe, 6, used to be an active little girl. But right after she turned six, she started getting sick often. After visiting a doctor, she felt better for a time, but it didn’t last.
She was not active like other children; she remained weak and sluggish for two months.
Moe’s parents are labourers at a rubber plantation and their income is barely enough for their daily needs. They didn’t have money for medical expenses.
It was perfect timing that Moe’s mother, Tin Moe Wah, was invited to join a World Vision health education session on Tuberculosis (TB), taught by Ma Cho.
The x-ray showed that my daughter had TB. I was so worried for her.
“My daughter was sick when I attended the health session. When I learned about the symptoms, I found that they were like my daughter’s, such as fever and swollen glands in her neck. She was getting thinner too.”
“I wasn’t sure about my daughter’s condition, so I spoke with the Ma Cho who taught the health education session. She advised me to take my daughter for a TB test,” says Tin Moe Wah, 34.
“The x-ray result showed that my daughter had TB. I was so worried for her,” Tin Moe Wah said.
The Ma Cho encouraged her and advised her about the TB medicines that her daughter would need to take regularly.
“She taught to me how to treat my daughter, like how many times a day to take medicine and also the side effect she might experience,” Tin Moe Wah shares.
Little Moe’s condition improved after one month of taking medication. Ma Cho visited Moe every month and delivered her medication from the TB department. She also monitored Moe’s growth.
“After one month, my daughter had no more fever. She felt better and her appetite increased. Her weight increased month by month. As my daughter was better, our family was so happy,” Tin Moe Wah shared with joy.
“While my daughter was under treatment, the volunteer regularly came to our home. I invited my neighbors to attend the health education sessions she taught,” Tin Moe Wah says.
Now that Tin Moe Wah knows the symptoms of TB, she refers the suspected cases to the World Vision TB volunteers. She helps the volunteer as well as help monitor patients.
“After six months, a full course of medication, we went to the doctor and tested again. I was so happy to hear that my daughter had no more TB. She is back to school with her friends. She’s gained weight too,” Tin Moe Wah smiles.
“I’d like to say that, if you have TB, do not be shy and afraid. Consult with the doctor and take medicines regularly as prescribed by the doctor. If you cure it systematically, you will be totally recovered,” Tin Moe Wah shares.
“I want to thank World Vision for running TB project here. Likewise, our entire village is also very thankful to World Vision,” Tin Moe Wah smiles.
“I am very happy that I can go to school again,” says Moe.
The entire village is now aware of TB. The community will no longer live in fear of TB as they have the knowledge that will enable them to get the right help to save lives.