Safe and Nurturing Schools

Freitag, 3. März 2017 - 17:11

Globally, 246 million girls and boys experience school related violence every year.[i] Among challenges to keeping children and adolescents in school is a lack of learning environments with adequate facilities, as well as insecurity when going to and from school and related activities.

In many places, violence against children in schools is not explicitly prohibited—it is tolerated as normal practice for disciplining children. Without the recognition of the problem by lawmakers and other community leaders, it is hard for schools to challenge attitudes that condone violence or to help children access support.

Schools should be a place where all children feel safe. World Vision works with partners to create a positive school environment free from violence in all its forms. Schools are uniquely placed to break the patterns of violence by giving children, their parents and communities the knowledge and skills to communicate, negotiate and resolve conflicts in more constructive ways.

Learn more about our Safe and Nurturing Schools project by downloading our quick guide.

[i] UNESCO. Global Guidance: School Related Gender Based Violence. December, 2016

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