Tree farming boosts profits for Kenya and East African farmers

Dienstag, 10. Juli 2018 - 08:06


A majority of East African communities rely on crop and livestock production as their main source of livelihood. However, yields from these sectors have been dwindling over the years as a result of environmental degradation and climate change. 

To help farmers mitigate these adverse effects of climate change and boost household incomes, World Vision rolled out a tree planting initiative known as Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration (FMNR) in East Africa.

Through this project, farmers are trained on effective tree management practices. This enables them to raise additional household income from tree farming. The finances cushion them from losses that they may incur as a result of reduced livestock and crop production.

Aside from the profits, enhanced tree cover also helps to restore degraded lands by making them fertile. This eventually improves crop and livestock production.

Posted on: 6th July 2018