Pascal is bullied by his cousins in Democratic Republic of Congo

Our Tools

​​​​​​Tools for conflict-sensitive action

World Vision has developed a set of unique, participatory tools we use to enable conflict-sensitive action.

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Integrating Peacebuilding and Conflict Sensitivity (IPACS)

​​​​​​At the project and program level, World Vision uses the IPACS tool with staff and partners.  

This tool is built on the Do No Harm concept paired with an approach known as Integrating Peacebuilding in Programming (IPIPs). IPIP helps integrate peacebuilding into large-scale programmes aiming to contribute to sustainable peace.


Good Enough Context Analysis for Rapid Response (GECARR)

​​​​​​GECARR is a World Vision context analysis tool that provides a macro-level analysis of a country or a specific region during or in anticipation of a crisis.

GECARR is designed to be an inter-agency tool and is flexible, so that it can be used quickly in unpredictable and conflict-prone contexts. The tool is designed to produce a snapshot of the current situation.

Making Sense of Turbulent Contexts (MSTC)

At the national level, World Vision has developed the MSTC tool for analysing root causes and future scenarios of violent conflicts.

World Vision has carried out numerous workshops in more than 40 countries in four languages, with hundreds of participants from NGOs, the United Nations and government. MSTC has been independently evaluated, featured in academic journals and conferences, and cited as one of only six tools like it by the OECD.

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