World Vision supports vaccination campaign benefiting 4 million children in Mozambique

Nearly 4 million children nationwide will benefit from a vaccination campaign launched this week by the Health Ministry to help children survive the age of 5 by protecting them from diseases such as measles.
This is the second campaign launched this year and World Vision Mozambique is supporting the Health Ministry reaching remote areas where the majority of children stay, far from the health centers.
Supporting the campaign World Vision is materializing part of its strategies for Child Well Being Outcomes with the intent of creating conditions for children to enjoy good health.
“As you know World Vision Mozambique operates in remote areas where access to health facilities are limited, people living in those areas have to walk to find the nearest health center and the health Ministry needs to reach those areas, so our support is to guarantee that a massive number of children are covered by the campaign” World Vision Health provincial Coordinator, Suzana das Dores said.
The National Health Week was officially launched by the Health Minister, Alexandre Manguele who highlighted among the main objectives of the campaign bring down the number of infant and neo natal mortality above all promote good health in different families.
“Our work is concentrated to the vaccination campaign this week, our vehicles, drivers and health technician are working with the district health facilities to make sure that every children in the area benefit” said Constancia Simbine, project manager in Malehice, Gaza province, a Hong Kong funded project.
The Malehice project early in October inaugurated a new health center fully equipped that will benefit 20 000 people that walked more than 15 kilometers to the nearest health facility.
The campaign will extend to women in reproductive age and they will be advise in matters related to family planning and there will also be free registration for children.
In the health sector World Vision efforts thanks to support provided by good will people spread around the world is to reduce mal nutrition, a serious concern already declared by the government authorities. (x)