When having a monthly period no longer worries girls in South Sudan

Dienstag, 18. Mai 2021 - 12:18

“I am not afraid of having a period anymore. With the dignity kit, I can go out and play with my friends,” says Treza, 14.

The Menstrual Health Kits donated by Days for Girls, which included sanitary pads, were distributed to 60 primary pupils at a school in South Sudan’s Kuajok County.

Treza who dreams of becoming a doctor says, “The dignity kits made my life simpler. I study with my friends and do the house chores without worrying that I will spoil my uniform.”

World Vision’s social worker Awien Maror Adhiik hands over a dignity kit to Treza, 14.


Through our partnership with Days for Girls International and support from generous donors in the United States, Australia and Canada, 15,000 Days for Girls kits were donated through the Gift in Kind (GIK) Programme. Out of nine schools targeted, the first distribution was made while waiting for the rest of the schools to re-open.

"We were taught by World Vision on how to use the kits through the Days for Girls Ambassador of Women’s Health Education training. I used to skip classes every time I have my monthly period. I was always nervous and uncomfortable when I have it. I am  embarrassed when other pupils see the stain on my uniform,” shares Treza.

Ayak, 17, and a primary eight pupil happily shows her kit.


The reusable sanitary pads, Treza said, made her confident to focus on her studies. ”I will now be able to attend and participate in my classes regularly, even excel in my exams. My parents will no longer be burdened with producing SSP 500 (US$1) every month for my sanitary pad supply,” she adds.

We were taught by World Vision on how to use the kits. I used to skip classes every time I have my monthly period.

Ayak, 17, says, “I am pleased that World Vision thought about us even while at home during this difficult time of the COVID-19 pandemic. This is important for school girls like us and affects our studies every month. Some girls might try to ask from men and they can take advantage of them.”

“Boys and girls should be given proper sex education so they understand this monthly menstrual period. Some girls drop out of school, feel ashamed and struggle to handle the situation for lack of awareness. I hope World Vision will continue providing girls with sanitary pads now that schools are re-opening,” says Ayak.

World Vision's Awien Maror Adhiik loads the dignity kits ready to be delivered. 


Wilfred Wol, World Vision’s Protection Project Officer for Greater Bahr El Ghazal Zone, says, “The Days for Girls' kits are an important supplement to protection programming. Having a period should not be a cause for shame or embarrassment among girls."

"By helping them with resources and knowledge, they can continue to pursue what they want to do as growing children," Wol concludes.

Story and photos by Jemima Tumalu, Communications Officer