Our Global Partners

How we partner


No organisation or government working alone can solve child vulnerability.  World Vision believes that only by working together with children, their communities, and our supporters and partners, can the lives of the world’s most vulnerable children be transformed. 

At every level – from a child’s community to global – World Vision works with partners from across society to influence and bring our expertise and resource to transform children’s lives.  We value the role, expertise and resources of governments, of faith actors, of businesses, and other organisations in addressing child well-being. 

World Vision’s role in any community can only ever be temporary, and we recognise that it is these local partners that will sustain and improve in children’s lives.  Therefore, we work to make our partnerships positive for every partner.  This means we have a commitment to seek mutual benefit; to respect and values others' contributions; to manage power dynamics carefully; to listen and be responsive, and to communicate openly and transparently.  In addition, wherever appropriate, we will support partners to grow their resilience and capacities so that together they can play their ongoing roles in maintaining and improving child well-being. 

We measure our partnering practice and make sure it is fully aligned to global humanitarian standards. This is part of upholding our commitments to the Grand Bargain, and applies to all of our work in development, fragile and humanitarian emergency contexts and advocacy.