WVI President Andrew Morley sits with children in Colombia

Our Leadership

A note from our President and CEO


Hello, I'm Andrew Morley, President and CEO of World Vision International. In February 2019, World Vision International honoured me by asking me to lead this organisation. Prior to that, I served in senior positions with World Vision for three years.

As proud sponsors to four children, my family and I have learned the importance of being part of World Vision's mission. As I've been given multiple opportunities to witness the global impact first hand, I'm particularly impressed by the approach to development and relief. It is the perfect mix of professionalism and relational.

World Vision has over 75 years of experience working with communities, donors, partners, and governments to create opportunities for better futures for vulnerable children … even in the toughest places. 

Today, we operate in nearly 100 countries, and bring hope joy and justice to ALL children. Among our more than 33,000 staff we have leading experts in child health, microfinance, agriculture, and education. Tens of thousands of volunteers help us implement our projects on a daily basis.

Our grass-roots approach to change allows us to know the people, the problems, and the potential of each community we serve. Wherever we go, we act and feel like a local non-governmental organisation. Our staff live within the community and learn all the hopes and challenges each community faces. We serve alongside the poor and oppressed as a demonstration of God’s unconditional love for all people. World Vision serves all people, regardless of religion, race, ethnicity, or gender.

Our Promise to the world's most vulnerable children and our global strategy, is to strive for a world free of the worst forms of poverty by 2030 as included in the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN.

Our focus is on helping the most vulnerable children overcome poverty and experience fullness of life. We help children of all backgrounds, even in the most dangerous places, inspired by our Christian faith. We accept children of all faiths in our programs, and we don't try to make them Christian. We aim to make all aspects of our work both transparent and trustworthy.

Our staff is constantly sharing the hope of a brighter future; thru literacy programs, protecting children in conflict zones, saving starving babies from the long-lasting effects of malnutrition, and providing drinkable water to children and families. The people who partner with us are included on a journey of meaningful change for the world's poorest populations.

You have a decision to make—will you be one of those people? I hope so, because I am excited about the many opportunities we have to stand with people whose voices go unheard these days, especially children.

That’s our World Vision. May it be yours too.

Meet Andrew

Leadership around the globe


With more than 75 years of experience and a strong faith in Christ, World Vision is a unique global relief programme that specializes in working with children and communities to help overcome poverty and injustice. As a Partnership of national offices governed by their own boards, World Vision is united under one mission statement and shared core values. Our leaders around the world are inspired by our founder, Bob Pierce, who prayed for his heart to be broken by that which breaks the heart of God. Bob had the vision to bring this organisation to the world's most vulnerable people, and set an example to all who followed him.

Find out more about World Vision’s Structure.