Bob Pierce

Going when no one else would

Our History


For over 75 years, World Vision has been committed to protecting and caring for children and those in need. From our founder Bob Pierce giving the last $5 in his pocket to help care for an abandoned Chinese girl in 1947, to then-CEO Stan Mooneyham purchasing a large ship in 1979 to rescue refugee families stranded at sea in Vietnam, World Vision has gone where others would not. Even in the places where it is hard to be a child, God is there—and we should be there too. So, our mission continues.

“Let my heart be broken by the things that break the heart of God.”
Robert Pierce, Founder and President 1950-1967
“We serve everyone. We want to be in the world what we think Jesus Christ would be if He were in the middle of all of these problems and needs.”
Robert Pierce, Founder and President 1950-1967
"So many suffer so much while so few sacrifice so little."
Robert Pierce, Founder and President 1950-1967
“Love talked about is easily turned aside, but love demonstrated is irresistible.”
Stan Mooneyham, President 1969-1982
“Our work is about individual people. Not statistics.”
Kevin Jenkins, World Vision International President, 2009-2019
“May our generation be remembered as one that treated the world’s hungriest children as if they were our own.”
Kevin Jenkins, World Vision International President, 2009-2019