WV Bangladesh Annual Report 2022
World Vision commemorated its 50th year of operations in Bangladesh with 246 events involving all our stakeholders throughout the country. In the past fifty years, we have contributed to empowering and transforming the lives of children, families, and communities. As can be seen from the report, all our work in communities directly contributes to the country's sustainable development goals (SDGs). We reached 4.6 million people this year through the various sectoral interventions and achievements detailed in this report. Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) continued to be a major focus of our work, given the vulnerabilities in the country. We transformed 165 villages into eco-villages adopting climate-adaptive livelihoods and environment-friendly technologies. There was also a special focus on youth development and empowerment, given the challenges they face in the post-pandemic context. There is still, however, much to be done. With your continued support, we look forward to collaborating further and scaling our work to bring about greater impact and transformation
to the lives of every child in Bangladesh.