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Advancing Justice for Children in Lesotho

Hope In Action Newsletter _ Issue 1

Empowering Women, Strengthening Communities: Launch of the Gender Equality and Women Empowerment Project
Amplifying Voices, Protecting Rights: The Media’s Role in Advocating for Vulnerable Communities
Charting a New Course: Strengthening WASH for a Sustainable Future in Southern Africa

Empowering Girls: Celebrating 200 Years of Lesotho and Embracing Girls’ Vision for the Future

National Child Protection Reporting and Referral Pathways
Strengthening Child Protection: Launch of the National Child Protection Reporting and Referral Pathways

Championing Children's Rights: Lesotho's Collaborative Fight Against Child Labour and Forced Labour

Accelerating Action for Eliminating Child Labour and Forced Labour Fact Sheet

Combating Human Trafficking in Lesotho: Empowering Communities and Protecting the Most Vulnerable

Empowerment of Civil Society Organizations for Promotion and Protection of Human Rights (PPHR) Project
Advocating for policies and practices that prioritize education as a fundamental right and catalyst for positive change in Lesotho

World Vision Lesotho key interventions towards Menstrual Hygiene

Empowering Education through Strengthening Schools’ Resilience in Times of Crisis

Championing Child Nutrition to End Hunger and Malnutrition

Lesotho's Disaster Management Authority in Action

Uniting Churches, Government, and Communities to Address Climate Change in Lesotho


ENOUGH Child Hunger and Malnutrition

ENOUGH Political Will

ENOUGH of the right foods sourced ethically