Empowered girls transform society

"In the community where I reside, there is inequality between girls and women compared to boys and men. Regrettably, the mentality that girls and women should confine themselves to domestic roles and submit to men still prevails. What exacerbates this situation is the unfortunate reality that many women themselves accept and perpetuate these suffocating norms," expresses Enkeleda from Tirana, her remorse and astonishment evident in her eyes.
The 18-year-old lives in one of the peripheral neighborhoods of the capital, an area predominantly inhabited by families originating from various rural regions of Albania. Enkeleda explains that this prevailing mindset, which restricts girls and women from realizing their full potential, significantly impacted her life, particularly during her childhood.
"When I was younger, my perspective wasn't considered within the family. Decisions were made without consulting us. However, through involvement in World Vision Albania's IMPACT groups, I've learned to voice my opinions and ensure they're heard," shares Enkeleda. She describes her eight-year experience with the IMPACT groups as 'a transformative journey.'
Participation in various trainings, engaging in discussions with peers, and undertaking initiatives have equipped Enkeleda with information, expanded her knowledge, and deepened her understanding of the rights belonging to children and youth. As a result, she views herself as an empowered, independent, and courageous individual whose opinions hold significance within her family, school, community, and society. Enkeleda advocates for her peers to access and understand their rights.
"Today, I have the autonomy to make decisions for myself. I'm not hesitant to speak up, to raise my voice, not only on issues directly impacting my life, but also on behalf of my peers. Many girls and women live with the fear of societal judgment if they challenge prevailing mindsets. Numerous mothers have instilled in both boys and girls the belief that a man's authority is unquestionable. This upbringing has fostered aggression and intolerance towards girls and women among their children. To address this, we've organized numerous awareness-raising and sensitization activities against violence with the IMPACT groups, emphasizing inclusivity, solidarity, and the empowerment of girls. While I believe we've made an impact, there's still much more to be done," Enkeleda concludes her narrative.
This young woman is passionate about sports and technology. Regardless of the path she chooses in life, she affirms her commitment to being a strong advocate for every girl and woman. She stresses that we are all born free and equal, and thus every girl deserves support to live life to its fullest. She believes that efforts should be made to ensure that traditional norms do not dictate the views of youth regarding the rights and roles of women in society.
"I have come to realize that my voice holds the power to bring about positive change, and I am committed to using it to advocate for the well-being of children, youth, girls, and women. I will speak out whenever I hear of women or girls facing abuse or in need of support to overcome their challenges. It is essential that we collaborate to construct a society where rights are upheld, where girls and boys are treated equally, and where everyone's voice is valued and considered," Enkeleda declares, exuding an inspiring and hopeful demeanor.
According to the 18-year-old, empowering mothers is crucial for the empowerment of girls. Her mother serves as her life's inspiration, being "a resilient woman who has triumphed over prejudices." Enkeleda stresses that despite the various trainings and initiatives conducted by youth, institutions, or organizations, families play a pivotal role in altering this mindset. Even Enkeleda's parents have participated in World Vision Albania’s training sessions for positive parenting, where they acquired skills to foster healthy relationships within the family, ensuring that every member feels valued and significant.
"I've realized that empowering the mother inherently empowers the daughter as well. My parents participated in Positive Parenting training, which has positively impacted our family dynamics. These sessions have strengthened our family unit, particularly my mother. Often, girls and women are compelled to remain silent due to economic constraints that prevent them from being independent. I'm aware of a girl who was married off before turning 18. Whenever I encounter her, I strive to engage her in conversation, offer support, and provide encouragement. She accepts, feeling she has no other option," shares Enkeleda.
Today, Enkeleda attends one of Tirana's premier high schools and understands that the journey to success, equality, and independence is riddled with obstacles. However, she embraces the notion of small, daily victories.
"Life will always present challenges, but resilient girls forge ahead. I strongly believe that empowered girls have the capacity to revolutionize society," concludes the spirited young woman, brimming with hope that the future will hold greater positivity for girls and women, provided all stakeholders unite.
Enkeleda is among the 1496 youths in IMPACT groups that World Vision Albania collaborates with across Albania, empowering them with skills and competencies to effect change in their communities.
By Alfons Cupaj, PR and Communications Officer, World Vision Albania