Delivering equipment to strengthen the field of social work in Armenia

U.S. Ambassador to Armenia, Lynne M. Tracy and World Vision Armenia National Director Zhirayr Edilyan helped deliver equipment and furniture to the Tavush Region as part of the project to strengthen the field of social work in Armenia. The three year “Community Level Access and Social Services” (CLASS)project is funded by the USAID and implemented by World Vision Armenia and Child Development Foundation.
The social worker of Ayrum Community, Taguhi Machkalyan received a computer, a printer, a desk, a chair and a file cabinet to improve her working conditions․
Since, June, 2020, 30 communities in five marzes of Armenia received similar assistance.
The CLASS project aims to support the strengthening of the social protection system in Armenia by promoting effective social work in communities and improving the lives of the most vulnerable children and families.
During the implementation process, CLASS registered the following results:
- As a result of the project’s efforts and cooperation with the Government and the Local Self Government bodies, currently 91 Community Social Workers (CSWs) (71 female, 20 male) work in 86 communities
- More than 29,000 members of 6581 most vulnerable households received counseling and support from CSWs.
- Individual Development Plans for 1151 families have been developed and implemented. The CSWs are also actively involved in the rehabilitation processes of families with children returned from child residential institutions by participating in the improvement of the families’ well-being.
- In 2018, CLASS, in cooperation with the Yerevan State University, developed an Online Learning Course designed for CSWs. 19 CSWs completed the course and received certificates. In 2020, 16 more CSWs were enrolled in the mentioned course, which will last for 11 months.
- 61 CSWs participated in ongoing training sessions on current legislation, social services, the importance of the social services’ institute, case management methodology and tools. The training sessions were previously discussed and approved by the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs and the Ministry of Territorial Administration and Infrastructures.
- The project also supported the implementation of social reforms in Yerevan. As a result, CSW positions will be introduced in all administrative districts of the capital in 2020. This year, the project plans to conduct training for 54 CSWs in Yerevan.
- CLASS developed a document package regulating the social services sector: CSW Job Desctiption, CSW Methodology, Terminological dictionary, Rights and responsibilities flyer, Trainer of Trainers’ manual, COVID-19 Guide for CSWs, etc.
- To ensure the professional component of the program and to be in line with the reforms in the social sphere, the program closely cooperates with the Association of Social Workers of Armenia, the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, as well as the Ministry of Territorial Administration and Infrastructures.