More investment, better spent - World Vision Policy brief for Global Education Summit 2021

Mittwoch, 14. Juli 2021 - 18:46

The COVID-19 pandemic is the biggest disruption to children’s education in recent history. At its height, the outbreaks and lockdowns affected 1.6 billion children.

In rebuilding better economies in the aftermath of COVID-19, national governments must give priority to inclusive, safe education systems as well as strong child protection systems.

Ahead of GPE 2021, World Vision is calling on Global Partnership for Education partner countries, national governments and donors to show bold and ambitious leadership. Education and protection of children from violence must be placed at the centre of COVID-19 recovery efforts; an allocation of 20% of national budgets and 15-20% of ODA funding towards education as well as an across-the-board increase funding will address multisectoral barriers to education.