article / Februar 6, 2015
Mobilization and Involvement of Health Personnel to Accelerate Zero Tolerance to Female Genital Mutilation
World Vision is one of the largest international Faith-based, non-governmental, relief and development NGO, with a focus on child wellbeing and a presence in nearly 100 countries worldwide. In West Africa, World Vision is present in 8 countries and the subject of Female Genital Mutila
article / April 2, 2014
Yunus Rides Closer to His Dream
The years between 2008 and 2012 remain close to the heart of Yunus Dangu. He attended college, studying public health. Those years also brought countless bittersweet memories.Yunus, 23, is a former registered child of the West Sumba Area Development Program.
article / Dezember 24, 2011
Health Fairs help communities take control of their own health
ALBANIA - Health Fairs held across most of Albania’s cities this week aimed to raise awareness around hygiene, breast and cervical cancer, pre-natal care, substance abuse, HIV and AIDS, nutrition and handwashing in an attempt to better equip people to take care of their own health- partic
article / Juni 6, 2006
Lebanese Church youth leaders receive creative training
Sessions were designed to provide capacity building to Church Youth Leaders through new and practical tools and creative ways of serving children at churches.
article / August 10, 2021
Loris and the IMPACT youth group in Lezha, valuable community contributors
Loris’ journey as part of the IMPACT youth group in Lezha began three years ago.
publication / April 6, 2022
Rompre la Spirale de Crise Alimentaire & Nutritionnelle au Mali: Notre Appel Collectif
Au Mali, les gaps dans la réponse d’urgence et surtout le manque d’accompagnement systématique par des réponses de relèvement précoce, ont limité la capacité des humanitaires à prévenir la hausse exponentielle des besoins suite à la soudure de 2021.
press release / Juli 13, 2016
World Vision launches first cross-sector incubator in Singapore to drive social change in Asia
Singapore - World Vision International today launched the Asia Public-Private Partnerships Hub (Asia P3 Hub), an incubator that works with companies, startups and non-profit organizations to build strategic, mutually-beneficial partnerships and bring about
article / Juli 16, 2019
The future can be young: Lebanese youth shape the way to peace 29 years after the civil war
A founding member of the United Nations and signatory of most international human rights conventions, Lebanon had all it takes to be a leading Middle-Eastern country in the question of human rights and development.
publication / Juli 11, 2019
Pequeñas Grietas, Grandes Brechas: Cómo los gobiernos permiten que persista la violencia contra los niños
Nuestro mundo está mejorando, cada año. Estamos logrando un progreso asombroso en la lucha contra las enfermedades y la mortalidad y estamos invirtiendo grandes cantidades para avanzar en la medicina y el conocimiento y para crear mejores condiciones de vida. Pero no para todos.