Rebuilding a Home Restores Hope

Meskerem at her new house
Segunda, 20 de Fevereiro de 2023 - 06:20

Meskerem's parents remember the dreadful day in 2017 as if it were yesterday. In just minutes, they lost everything they owned due to the inter-communal conflict in Gedeo Zone. “Imagine how hard it is for a person to see his house burned to the ground, all his cattle stolen, and farmland destroyed. I lost everything that day,” said Meskerem’s grandfather Jigso. Luckily, Meskerem and her family managed to escape the ordeal. They left their home with only the clothes on their backs, leaving everything behind. Before the conflict, Meskerem and her family used to live a peaceful and stable life in Haro Kebele. Her grandfather, Jigso, spent his entire life there, he had a nice home, cattle, and farmland of his own. However, after they were forced to leave their home, the family had to join one of the shelters that the government had arranged. Jigso had nothing left and he had to rely on food aid, and cash supplied by the government and humanitarian organizations. Meskerem was also very traumatized and sad because she was not able to go to kindergarten like her agemates or play with her friends as she had in the past

Meskerem was too young to remember the details of the incident; however, she recalls how uncomfortable she was. “I remember being hungry and wanting to have my favorite meals, but I could not”, says Meskerem. This was very hard for Jigso to witness, and all he could do was pray for a better day to come. 

Going back to his village and reconstructing his house has been a big dream for Jigso but he couldn’t because he did not have the means to do so. After four years of suffering, however, he was super delighted to hear that World Vision Ethiopia would help rebuild his home. He felt like the discomfort was over and his family would finally settle down and be safe. “I saw a glimpse of hope when people from World Vision approached me”, says Jigso. 

Jigs and his family at his new house

World Vision provided construction materials and cash for Meskerem and her family. Right after they received the support, Jigso started the construction with the help of his son. After four years, his dreams of returning home finally came true. Now, in the comfort of his new house, he tells everyone that he is very grateful to World Vision. “I wouldn’t trade seeing Meskerem play in the yard for anything. World Vision has restored my happiness, and I am forever thankful for it”, he says.

Meskerem is also happy to be back in her loving home. She said, “I love our new home. It’s big, comfy, and safe.” She has now started going to school and enjoys playing with her fellow friends in the village. She is a happy girl who has a bright future ahead of her. 

With the support from USAID, World Vision Ethiopia, through its Integrated Multi-Sector Response for Conflict and Drought Affected Vulnerable Communities Project has helped 1083 households in Gedeo and West Gujji zones rebuild their homes and restore their happiness.