Child Protection
Children are cared for, protected and participating
In all the ten regions, the following enhanced the care, protection and participation of children:
776 households including registered children’s families involved in diversified sources of food and income.
Environmental clubs were formed in 174 schools
80 staff were trained on the use of advocacy tools including Citizens Voice and Action (CVA) for child rights and protection.
A new initiative, the Village Savings and Loans Associations which started in 2010 has grown from one to 52 groups with 819 members. They have made US $34,941 savings which enables them to fund their farming and other economic activities without pre-financing by middlemen who charge them high-interest rates.
Improved Household Livelihoods and Resilience for Children and their families
- Food was available all year round for 35,625 people in ADP communities
- 39,502 households enjoyed improved storage and post-harvest handling of crops
- 1,046 people are Association of Progressive Entrepreneurs in Development clients, a micro-finance institute
- Training of trainers for 33 opinion leaders and heads of departments in local capacity for peace techniques for enhancing peaceful co-existence in communities and districts