Promoting Peaceful Communities in South Sudan

Segunda, 23 de Setembro de 2013 - 06:25


The Community Education material on the bill of rights was developed as a result of needs identified by local leaders during series of capacity building training in Warrap State, Upper Nile State and Western Equatorial State. A process of consultation with State level Ministry of Gender, Child and Social Development revealed that simplified resources on various South Sudan legal frame work would greatly enhance community awareness on their rights and obligation.

This booklet was therefore developed through a consultative process involving State level Ministry of Gender and Social Welfare, Ministry of General Education at National level and World Vision South Sudan.

The book is structured into six chapters highlighting basic aspects of the Child Act, Rights of Women, Duties and responsibility, Peace and Reconciliation Act Land Act, & Traditional authority. It also presents a basic referral path for victims of violence seeking legal redress.

The above resource is meant to facilitate grassroots community awareness within the Republic of South Sudan.

We appreciate and The Government of the Netherlands for the financial support, Ministry of General Education and Instruction, Local Leaders, State ministry of Gender, Child and Social Development and World Vision Field Staff who contributed to the development of this material.

Thank you

Jackson Omona.

Peace Building and Protection Advisor.

World Vision-South Sudan