In Mali, World Vision donates prevention kits in the fight COVID-19 in Kolokani

Donation Prevention Kits Covid -19
Quarta, 22 de Abril de 2020 - 11:12

In Mali, World Vision donated prevention kits in the fight against COVID-19 in Kolokani. As part of the activities to fight the virus and faithful to its commitment to support the Ministry of Health and Public Hygiene, World Vision donated equipment to support the Kokokani Circle, including 22 Community health centers and the Reference Health Center.

The materials donated consisted of: 50 hand washing kits, 160 hand washing kits for families, 27 thermo flashes, 88 hand sanitizers (hydro-alcoholic), 132 liters of bleach, 80 liquid soaps, 70 pairs of gloves, 17 packs of nose shields, for an amount of 4,634,220 CFA. The donation is targeting the brave healthcare personnel in the 22 Community health centers, within the clusters of Kolokani and Baoulé and the Health District.

World Vision's National Director in Mali, Mr. Patrick Danière said in his speech: “In view of the current situation created by this pandemic around the world, it is obvious that there is nothing more precious than preventive measures and protection against this virus which spares no one: rich and poor, big and small, young and old, men and women. All are affected. World Vision Mali has always supported the country in times like this. We were here during the Ebola crisis and we are once again present with special attention to the most vulnerable groups in society, children in particular”.

This assistance complements the Water, Hygiene and Sanitation interventions that World Vision has implemented for the past three years across all the healthcare centers in the Kolokani health district. A total of 22 Community Health Centers and the Reference Health Center were covered by December 2019. Some of the achievements of this project include potable water supplies, making running water available in all treatment rooms, separate male and female latrines, incinerators, mud and ash pits, showers and washing areas, hygiene and sanitation kits and tools, as well as various trainings for the benefit of Community Health Associations and healthcare personnel for a total cost of nearly one billion CFA.

Through these interventions, Kolokani health centers have access to water, sanitation and hygiene services making them better equipped to fight the spread of COVID-19 or any other outbreak. 

The Regional Director of Health, Ms. Najim Oura Diallo, added: ‘’ World Vision is a strategic partner within the Koulikoro region and particularly the Kolokani circle. It is a gesture full of meaning, and this donation is removing big thorns from our feet with this pandemic. I thank Word Vision, the highest authorities, the administrative authorities and I thank and encourage the health personnel for all the efforts they are making to end the pandemic.‘’